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Delegate Responsibilities

Norms and Expectations 

  • Be engaged and arrive on time. Keep your focus on the conference, webinar, conversation or training you are participating in.

  • Ask for help! If you are unable to complete a task or need direction, please reach out to your Sub-Committee chair, trainer or co-chairs for assistance. We all want you to succeed!

  • Please respond to all emails within 2 business days. Even if you don’t have an answer, just let the other person know you’ve received it and you are working on it. 

  • Keep it positive and constructive. Keep others’ feelings in mind when you are responding verbally or via email. 

  • Keep an open mind during discussions and build upon other delegates’ ideas. When CalSPAC votes in a way that may not align with your personal beliefs, please continue to support the work of the delegation.

  • Please help ensure that only one delegate speaks at time.

  • Confidentiality during our discussions is essential. When personal and sensitive issues are raised, please keep the discussions to yourself. 

  • Remember that CalSPAC is non-partisan, and refrain from partisan conversations.

  • Dress professionally (business casual) at CalSPAC conferences, when representing CalSPAC, meeting CalSPAC guests, legislators and elected representatives.

  • Embrace positive organizational change, and respect the work of the women who came before us.

  • Have fun and build relationships!

Code of Ethics

  • Be sure that your League is aware that you, as its representative, are voting on a committee who speaks on behalf of all the Junior Leagues in California.

  • Encourage questions from home League members about our work in CalSPAC.

  • Be careful never to endorse, or appear to endorse, a particular candidate or a particular political party.

  • Always present yourself as a member of a non-partisan organization.

  • CalSPAC internal discussions and deliberations are meant to be kept confidential.

  • Delegates should always strive to maintain an objective attitude regarding the political process as you study legislation.

  • Delegates are expected to be considerate of others and to engage in thoughtful and informed debate. Personal attacks will not be tolerated.

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