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Sponsored Legislation

CalSPAC’s sponsorship of legislation is defined as actively assisting a Legislator with conceptualizing, drafting, promoting and processing legislation through the legislative process toward passage and enrollment. Sponsorship also suggests a commitment to attending meetings, hearings, and votes, producing op-ed articles, and taking all necessary actions associated with passage of the legislation. 


CalSPAC has sponsored or co-sponsored multiple pieces of legislation seeking to enhance and improve the lives of Californians, including:


SB 848 (2023)

Requires employers to provide employees and their partner with up to five days of job-protected reproductive loss leave following a miscarriage, unsuccessful assisted reproduction, failed adoption, failed surrogacy, or stillbirth
ACR 53 (2011)
Recommended the development of a statewide perinatal depression collaborative task force and urged education for healthcare workers and families about perinatal depression prevention, risk factors and triggers

ACR 105 (2010)
Designated the month of May as "Perinatal Depression Awareness Month" in California

SJR 22 (2006)
Memorialized the U.S. Congress and President to enact the Microbicides Development Act to facilitate the development of microbicides to prevent the transmission of HIV and other diseases

AB 2878 (2000)
Provided breast cancer treatment for uninsured women

AB 38 (1997)
Established a minimum hour standard of in-patient care following childbirth
AB 2661 (2004)
Required DSS to provide access to information relating to decertification of foster care families

AB 2268 (1993)
Established the Children's Bicycle Helmet Law

AB 3087 (1992)
Established the Kids License Plate to fund child abuse prevention and prevent unintentional injury
SB 564 (2002)
Required training for mental health in domestic violence detection

SB 563 (1999)
Expanded domestic violence statutes to include former spouses and co-habitants

AB 102 (1997)
Enhanced the penalties for committing domestic violence in the presence of a minor

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