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Strategic Plan 2023-2026

Civic & Community Impact
Goal: Strengthen CalSPAC’s reputation for issue-based knowledge and expertise.


  • Craft more defined issue areas while being mindful of Home League interests.

  • Explore opportunities to align with other Junior League Public Affairs Committees for policymaking and advocacy on a national level.

  • Reimagine systems for stakeholder outreach and coalition building surrounding our focus areas.

  • Revaluate and update CalSPAC hosted public platforms and content for best use of stakeholder engagement. Leverage league and AJLI platforms for shared messaging.

Home League Collaboration & Engagement 
Goal: Grow and maintain relationships with California Home Leagues.

  • Create standardized delegate role descriptions for distribution mid-year to Home League nominating chairs. Outline the benefits, skills, and competencies needed for delegate engagement.

  • Build and develop deeper opportunities for Home League engagement with CalSPAC on topics of shared interest (e.g., hosted forums and surveys). Reimagine the matrix, its goal, and purpose.

  • Host an annual forum for Home League Presidents, President-Elects, and VPs that oversee CalSPAC with a facilitated conversation on Home League interests to inform CalSPAC activities.

Delegate Training & Leadership Development 

Goal: Train effective leaders in advocacy and policy making.

  • Consolidate training curriculum to one annual plan ensuring a holistic year-round approach with focus on the transition periods between onboarding, elevation, and exit. Develop and integrate systems for year-over-year evaluation.

  • Explore and design alternative training tools to establish delegates as advocacy liaisons and experts within their own Home Leagues (e.g., video and print training modules). Reevaluate and redesign take home materials for best use by delegates.

  • Explore additional speakers and experts in their field to supplement in-house training or to conduct train-the-trainer delegate activities. Explore additional training options offered by our contracted Legislative Analyst.

Well Governed & Sustainable 
Goal: Strengthen CalSPAC’s internal structure to ensure long-term sustainability and an enriching delegate experience.

  • Review and revise role descriptions of current leadership and delegate members to ensure transparency and clarity in purpose, responsibilities, and equal distribution of work. Create a process for skills assessment at each level.

  • Create a sustainable advisory infrastructure utilizing legacy resources, current delegates, and Home League leadership.

  • Create an Annual Plan worksheet based on strategic planning objectives led by CalSPAC Co-Chairs.

  • Create a Communications Plan in alignment in annual planning activities. Develop unified messaging on all communication platforms, both internal and external.






















CalSPAC Stategic Plan 2023-2026


©2024 by Junior Leagues of California State Public Affairs Committee (CalSPAC). All rights reserved.

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