Why CalSPAC?
To most Junior League members, CalSPAC stands for California State Public Affairs Committee. To those who have served as a CalSPAC Delegate, CalSPAC stands for one of the Junior Leagues best kept secrets.
Skills Developed Through CalSPAC Participation
Ability to understand and influence the legislative process through advocacy efforts to benefit our communities and support our Junior League projects
Public policy awareness
Planning and implementation of a process for change
Understanding of state concerns and how they impact individual Junior Leagues
Strategic planning
Collaboration, networking, compromise, and negotiation
Public speaking
Group facilitation
Communication and making contacts
Persuasion, debate, questioning, clarifying, summarizing, research and writing
Advocacy and presentation before members of the legislature
Possible Roles After CalSPAC
Community Council VP
Advocacy Chair
Strategic Planning Chair
Junior League Board Member
Junior League President
AJLI Leadership
Local Task Force Member
State Commission Appointee
Community Coalition Leader
Money spent for CalSPAC training has been used to develop women who bring back a wealth of valuable skills to their communities and Junior Leagues.
Adapted from The Association of Junior Leagues International (AJLI)